Eligibility: Open to all employees of current NETA member

Nominations: Anyone can nominate themselves, an associate in their office, or another NETA member. Nominations can come from anyone (executive director or other staff person). There is no limit to the number of nominations.

Nomination Process: A cover letter stating who is making the nomination and who you are nominating needs to be submitted with no more than three typed pages of information about the accomplishments/achievements of your nomination.

Entries will be judged based on contributions in four areas:

  • NETA – contributions to committees, attendance at meetings and NETA sponsored events, organization of NETA sponsored events, service to NETA, etc.
  • Local CVB contributions such as innovative programs, services to groups, business recruitment, promotion of tourism in the community, and marketing efforts will be considered with other local service to tourism.
  • Regional or State promotion of tourism – involvement with other tourism entities on a local and/or statewide basis to promote and educate other groups and the general public.
  • Involvement in local, regional, or statewide promotion of tourism that does not fall within the above categories (i.e., volunteerism at local tourism event).

Presentation of Award: The NETA annual award will be presented at the Nebraska Tourism Conference during the awards banquet.
Submit nominations by e-mail to: netravelassoc@gmail.com

Past Award Recpients