As NETA enhances its programs to promote tourism and help its members develop and grow, it continues to be an effective advocate for the industry. NETA’s recent past successes include:
During the past legislative session, NETA helped lobby the Nebraska Legislature in passing a bill that promotes short-term rental opportunities for Nebraskans while making sure that international companies (like Airbnb and VRBO) are paying lodging taxes just like traditional hotels, motels, and bed & breakfasts.
In 2017, NETA championed comprehensive legislation that restructured the Nebraska Tourism Commission. It was the first major reform since the Commission was made an independent state agency. The successful passage of LB 222 helped restore confidence in the Commission and set the stage for the its tremendous successes.
After years of trying, in 2015 NETA successfully lobbied for laws that protect farmers and ranchers who want to augment their ag business to include agritourism or ecotourism activities, such as hunting, photography, camping, and bird-watching. The Nebraska Agritourism Promotion Act passed unanimously.